Janata College, Serfanguri is one of the premier higher educational institutions situated at Serfanguri, BTAD, Assam. It is situated 30
kilometers away from Kokrajhar, the capital of BTAD.
Emblem Of The College
The emblem of Janata College has been designed to reflect the vision and mission of the college. In the middle of the outer circle the name
of the college is inscribed in capital letters and below it, on the pedestal, the motto of the college-‘knowledge is power’ is inscribed.
The circle is bracketed by to stripes of corn. Corn symbolizes rural economy, prosperity and livelihood. In the middle of the inner circle
a lamp is illuminating on a lamp stand. The light of the lamp is a symbol of knowledge which will drive away the darkness of ignorance from
this rural, tribal area and bring new hope and aspiration in the life of the people of this locality and outside.
Motto Of The College
‘Knowledge is power’
The vision of the college is to produce changes in the behaviour and attitudes of students, to develop creativity, entrepreneurship and to
train students to meet the demands and challenges of the modern world.
The college in its stride for higher education , has a vision for expanding its field of imparting higher education to make the students
fit for modern competitive world.
» To impart higher education to the eligible youths in general and SC, ST, OBC & MOBC, in particular.
» To arrange remedial teaching for the upliftment of the students of the weaker section.
» To make conscious effort to promote ideas of national integration, secularism, a scientific outlook and a cosmopolitan and a humanistic
approach towards life.
» To impart training in Games and Sports, Music, Art and Culture.
» To lay emphasis on teaching and research in non-traditional area avoiding duplication of facilities available in other Colleges.
» To promote in the students and teachers and awareness and understanding of the social need of the state and prepare them for fulfilling such needs.
» To work for preservation and dissipation of art and culture.
» To train up the students for future self-employment.
» To take special care for easy accessibility for woman education.